Take Back Congress - New York

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Campaign update from New York's North Country

First of all, I want to thank "24 Democrat" for inviting me to become a contributor to the Take Back New York blog and hope you all find my posts informative and helpful.

On Monday April 3 the Plattsburgh State University Democrats and Progressives held a meet the candidate night with Dr. Bob Johnson, our next North Country US Congressman, and Andrew Brockway, our next North Country NYS Assemblyman. The candidates presented themselves and their platforms and opened the floor to public questions. It was a very informative night with excellent free food and drink!

Andy spoke first, describing how he returned to the area after working in Albany in civil service and studying for a graduate degree when he heard about the immanent exit of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Andy has decided to devote himself full time to ensuring we get what we need from Albany. We aren't getting the representation we deserve in the North Country and Andy plans to change that. When it comes to job loss, cuts to education aid, and the heavy burden of property tax the incumbent simply has not done enough to stop the Republican efforts to short-change the North Country. Andy's website is now set up to receive online donations.

Dr. Bob Johnson spoke on the Republican culture of corruption and how its influence has tainted Congress. After a long history of service to his country, both in the armed services and as a local surgeon, Dr. Johnson feels he still needs to do even more to help the nation. Huge multi-national corporations have far too much negative influence over Washington and Bob wants to change that. Just like many of us in the North Country, Dr. Johnson was inspired by the Dean for America campaign and Howard's message of people empowerment. Dr. Johnson knows that the only way we will restore our American democracy is if people like you and me stand up for America and donate our time and money to campaigns that support real American values. In Congress Bob Johnson will work to stop the unfunded mandates breaking the back of local economies. He will fight for us against the radical Republicans' agenda of permanent war. He will be an outspoken advocate for fulfilling the Democratic Party's pledge, made in the era of Harry Truman, to give health insurance to ALL Americans.

Dr. Johnson will be back in Plattsburgh on April 6 to speak at the City of Plattsburgh Common Council meeting (5:30PM) where they will be discussing a resolution to encourage the Congressional investigation of George W. Bush over Iraq pre-war intelligence. The Johnson for Congress campaign has not released the content of the remarks Dr. Johnson will make. Later that evening (8PM) Dr. Johnson will attend the North Country Democracy for America monthly Linkup where he will receive the North Country DFA's official endorsement and take questions from the public.

Andy will be traveling all around the North country in the month of April seeking support and listening to the concerns of voters.

Both Andy Brockway and Dr. Bob Johnson will be at the Plattsburgh Peace March / Rally on April 22. They will be joined by: PSU Students for Direct Democracy, PSU Environmental Action Committee, PSU Campus Democrats & Progressives, PSU Amnesty International, North Country chapter of Veterans for Peace (out of Canton/Potsdam), Green Mountain chapter of Veterans for Peace (Vermont), Gold Star Families for Peace (Nancy Shipes, husband killed in Vietnam), Plattsburgh City Councilor Bill Provost, Susan Ledges (Plattsburgh Peace), Colin Wells (Diogenes), Alternatives to War (from Canton/Potsdam), Burlington Vermont Peace & Justice Center, Echec a la guerre (Montreal Stop War Coalition), Rev. Glen Michaels, Chris Fells (Air America Radio, Burlington VT) among others. Starting with speakers at Amity Court on the PSU Campus, we will march downtown to Trinity Square where we will have music, and more speakers. If you plan to attend please RSVP at DFA Link.

Also, please consider registering with DFA link and signing up with Dr. Johnson's DFA link site and Andy Brockway's DFA link site. The more support they have on these sites, the more likely it is they will receive the national Democracy For America endorsement which will give them access to tons of new supporters and campaign funds.

If you live in the North Country region of NY please also consider signing up with North Country DFA on DFA link, we are continuing Howard Dean's vision of grassroots politics in the North Country and we can always use more help.

For the latest on these candidates and events keep your browser tuned to BOBAUBIN.com, I am committed to ensuring a Democratic victory over the Republican culture of corruption in November; a victory for real American values, and a victory for the American people.



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