Take Back Congress - New York

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bruce Tytler To Run for Congress

Bruce Tytler is running for Congress.

Okay, I know, that link isn't exactly active yet. It leads to a placeholder site for now. But, the mere fact that the link has a placeholder reference tells us something. As of January 27, 2006 TytlerForCongress.com was a registered domain name with Network Solutions.

That's a pretty good sign that Tytler will be running for New York State's 24th District seat in the US House of Representatives, but it's not a clincher. Perhaps Tytler wanted to secure a domain name just in case.

Here's a more sure suggestion: Bruce Tytler called me last week to let me know that he's going to be making an announcement tomorrow outside the courthouse in Auburn - and again in Cortland. An announcement made in two places is not given when a person decides not to run. When Jeff Miller announced his decision not to run for Congress this year, he didn't go two places to do it. Tytler refused to confirm or deny that he will be running, but it's a clear sign

Now, some mean-spirited rumor mongers from Cortland have been suggesting that Bruce Tytler's campaign will not be really intended to put him in Congress, but will merely be a fundraising tool to put donations in the coffers of the Cortland County Democratic Committee. Tytler's registration of the domain TytlerforCongress.com suggests that these rumors are complete bunk. The clue: He registered the domain not just for one year, but for three years.

At the beginning of a campaign, when funds are tight, such decisions are not made lightly. Bruce Tytler clearly believes that he has a reasonable chance of using the TytlerForCongress.com web site not just for a few months, as a candidate, but for a three years at least, as a member of Congress who will be running for re-election in 2008. Tytler believes that he can win the Democratic nomination, and then win against Republican Sherwood Boehlert - or whatever Republican replaces him as the GOP candidate in the general election.

Here's the clincher for the Tytler for Congress campaign: He's filed as a candidate with the FEC. In fact, Tytler's FEC filing has showed up in the public records of the DCCC quicker than Leon Koziol's have, even though Koziol has already made an official announcemnt, and Tytler has not. Here it is, in the sexy language of bureaucracy, the first official sign of the Tytler for Congress campaign: FEC ID: H6NY29176 FEC Committee: C004192

Welcome to the race, Mr. Tytler.


From Take Back the 24th


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