Take Back Congress - New York

Friday, April 07, 2006

Bob Johnson (NY23) and the City of Plattsburgh support HR 635 (Impeachment investigation)!

I was very excited to attend the Plattsburgh City Council meeting last night at 6PM. The chamber was packed with people, many of whom spoke in favor of Congress investigating George Bush over a host of alleged violations of law. Only two individuals spoke against the measure, and they seemed to have a personal issue with the Councilor who proposed the resolution, Bill Provost.

One of those present to speak in favor of the resolution was future Congressman Dr. Bob Johnson. Bob explained that the City council was most certainly the best venue for bringing up the issue, since George Bush's actions have put a heavy burden on our local area by taking away funds that would otherwise belong to the City. Bob spoke strongly in favor of the Council passing the resolution.

The Council vote was 4 in favor and 2 opposed. The Council's two Republicans claimed that it was not in fact the proper venue for the people's concerns to be discussed, but the Republican Mayor Dan Stuart, who does not have a vote unless there is a tie, disagreed. He noted that Plattsburgh City citizens should have this venue to speak on all issues - local, national, or global. Mayor Stuart did not express support or opposition to the resolution itself.

I am very proud of my friend, and fellow North Country Democracy for America member, Councilor Bill Provost for making this vote possible.

Visit BOBAUBIN.com for the full story!


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