Take Back Congress - New York

Friday, May 26, 2006

Shortchanging Our Security

Yesterday the House voted on the bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security. Jimbo had a field day voting to shortchange the security of the American people every opportunity he had. Here's a few of the things he opposed:
  • $15 million for an increase in training and technical assistance.
  • $40 million for Emergency Management Training Grants.
  • $50 million to beef up security on innercity subways.
  • $5 million to increase Immigration and Customs enforcement (Jimbo was one of only 70 some congressman to oppose this one).
  • $36 million for Domestic Nuclear Detection (!!!).

Jimbo, just how out of touch are you?!

Crossposted at The Walsh Watch.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Jimbo Gets Rolled

Recently Jimbo has been spouting off about how important and powerful he is:

I'm a senior member. I chair a subcommittee on appropriations. I have the ability to affect legislation and policy.

So the question is, why did a two-term Congressman roll the all powerful 9 term subcommittee chair?:

The conservatives, led by Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, used parliamentary procedures to delete about 20 projects worth $507 million from the $94 billion spending bill for the 2007 fiscal year, which will begin Oct. 1.

This was Jimbo's bill from Jimbo's subcommittee and Jimbo was in charge of getting it past. After getting embarrassed, the all powerful Whiney Walsh went on to ask for some cheese with this statement:

Representative James T. Walsh, a New York Republican and chairman of the subcommittee that wrote the bill, criticized Mr. Hensarling, saying, "He does not understand that we are at war."

The sad thing is, Jimbo would be even less powerful come 2007 when Democrats control the House.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

McHugh Caught Red Handed


According to MoveOn.org soon after the Republican's Part D Disaster medicare drug bill passed with John McHugh's vote, McHugh got an $8800 check from the drug companies. We are going to issue a new big check to Rep. McHugh, in public, so everyone will know about the $8800 the McHUGH DRUG DEAL. Jim King and some other members of North Country DFA are working in concert with MoveOn.org on this project.

Caught Redhanded Check Delivery
Federal Building front lawn Brinkerhoff & Margaret Streets
Thursday, 11 May 2006, 12:00 PM

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